Batman Begins - Help Select Blog YUDA yogaswara: September 2016

Friday, September 30, 2016


Me : {Orga} but that is not my real name, that was the name which I got from my friends. I am the owner of this blog, new blog after all. It’s just the beginning of my new life after that deep conditions.
Okay. first I will tell you about me.
My name is Yuda, my full name is Yuda Yogaswara, my nick name is Yuda or Yoga but my friend call me Orga. I was born in Kuningan, at November 30th, 1990. I live in Cempaka Warna street 54 Panawuan village, district Cigandamekar Kuningan city Indonesia 45556. I stay with my parent, my father’s name is Samsudin, S.Pd., M.M. he is a headmaster of Linggajati 1 elementary school, my mother’s name is Lely Yuliah, she is the best woman in my life, and I have one brother, his name is Rahardi Nugraha, he is a collage student from STKIP Muhammadiyah Kuningan concentrate in PGSD.